Passionate Leadership

Passionate Leadership: A proven, practical system for optimizing Human Resources. What is your collective Passion Quotient: Restore EEI (Enthusiasm, Energy, and Involvement) where it is lagging. Generate breakthroughs where there is more potential. Go beyond and create a totally new performance paradigm.
Top Ten Course
Instructor : Passion University

Course Description

Passionate Leadership
A proven, practical system for optimizing Human Resources

What is your collective Passion Quotient?

  • Restore EEI (Enthusiasm, Energy, and Involvement) where it is lagging
  • Generate breakthroughs where there is more potential
  • Go beyond and create a totally new performance paradigm

This course will equip your organization with the tools to optimize all your human resources.

  • Be a Fresh Idea Factory
  • Revive Enthusiasm and Creativity
  • Foster Individual Initiative and Responsibility
  • Defuse Conflicts
  • Change Fear-Based Behavior To Cooperative Team Spirit
  • Engender Mutually Supportive Communication
  • Strengthen Organizational Clarity and Focus
  • Reduce Overhead Costs including Absenteeism and Illness
  • Harmonize Divergent Interests and Achieve Balance
  • Increase Momentum for Positive Change
  • Optimize Sales Efforts by Inspiring Personal Best
  • Support New Programs
  • Regain a Competitive Edge
  • Enjoy The Journey

Establish Esprit de Viva as your unifying theme of excellence.
Breathe new life into your Quality Programs!

Passionate Leadership Course Overview

  • Group Training – Designed to teach participants how to fully embody the company’s mission and vision, and how to create individual ownership of common goals. Topics include Introduction to Passion Life, Team Spirit, The Art and Science of Passion, and Journey to Inner Awareness.
  • Individual Training – On-line Passion Life Course that teaches the seven elements of a passionate life. This course is accessible 24 hours daily and includes two personal coaching sessions by the course instructor.
  • Individual Coaching Sessions – Confidential one-on-one sessions are available for individuals during the program period. Sessions will provide specific attention where it is needed and focus on helping individuals dissolve obstacles to success in their personal life and at work.
  • Experiential Training – Optional local programs are available for individuals or by organizational sponsorship. These events, courses and groups help deepen the practice and integration of key concepts learned in the Passionate Leadership course and provide in-depth, personal transformation opportunities where needed.
  • Mentorship Training – Program participants are taught how to coach and mentor others in passionate living. The practice and deepening of knowledge through mentoring will help maintain the benefits and enjoyment of Passionate Leadership. Inspired individuals will share what they have gained with others, ensuring continued benefit throughout the organization.

The course duration is 8 weeks.
Measurable benefits are tracked for both tangible and intangible results through integrated feedback loops.

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
8 Weeks
Course Begins:
September 3, 2024
On-line course offered by Passion University's academic programs.