Mind and Consciousness

Research into altered states of consciousness. The lecture part of this course reviews East-West approaches to spiritual experiences. Topics: Objective and subjective perspectives to higher states of consciousness. Neural and physiological studies, compared with experiential testimonials. Cartography of HSC. Major modalities such as sleep and dreams, trance, psychoactive plants and drugs, hypnosis, meditation, lucid dreaming, biofeedback, psychosis, ecstatic and mystical states of consciousness. The challenges to the scientific Newtonian-Cartesian paradigms.
Top Ten Course
Instructor : Passion University

Research into altered states of consciousness. The lecture part of this course reviews East-West approaches to spiritual experiences.

Topics covered:

  • Objective and subjective perspectives to higher states of consciousness.
  • Neural and physiological studies, compared with experiential testimonials.
  • Cartography of HSC.
  • Major modalities such as sleep and dreams, trance, psychoactive plants and drugs, hypnosis, meditation, lucid dreaming, biofeedback, psychosis, ecstatic and mystical states of consciousness.
  • The challenges to the scientific Newtonian-Cartesian paradigms.

Altered States of Consciousness is a hybrid course, with both online and workshop components.

8 Weeks
Course Begins:
September 3, 2024
On-line course offered by Passion University's academic programs.