Coaching Certification Program

Coaching Certification Program

Passion Coaching Certificate Program prepares student to coach and support others in living and fulfilling their passion. Passion Coaching is unique in its emphasis on being rather than just having or doing. It balances purpose – goals setting and their accomplishment, with creating and mastering passionate states. We focus not only on what needs to be done to achieve it, but also how to be, what attitude to use, and how to use subtle and powerful energy flows to create ideal conditions for the accomplishment of the task.

The Passion Coaching certificate program is a preparation for work as life coaches with specialization in passionate living. The program helps students to open their awareness to others’ process, and develop the ability to witness one’s journey as an objective observer. Students learn and practice modalities for discovering and enlivening one’s core passion and developing desired qualities.

The Passion Coaching Certification program prepares students well for this work. The Passion Training foundations, provide holistic tools and experience needed for Passion Coaching. In a typical coaching session, both coach and student are not just sitting and discussing. The student is usually getting into energetic states, guided and supported by the coach who is using diverse neurosomatic tools.

Learning Objectives

Graduates are expected to have the following skills:
  • Enjoying and experiencing life to its fullest
  • Identifying the meaning of true motivation
  • Attributes of Public Health
  • Making grounded, behavior-based assessments of people’s performance
  • Evoking excellence in others
  • Inducing a relaxed state in yourself and others
  • Moving people into action
  • Conducting long- and short-term coaching programs
  • Qualitative and quantitative evaluations
  • Assessing yourself and others
  • Becoming an effective listener
  • Creating harmony and congruence with personal models of the world
  • Using neurosomatics to create change
  • Aligning values, purpose, goals and resources
  • Coach and Inspire as a role model
  • Creating harmony and congruence with personal models of the world
  • Using neurosomatics to create change
  • Use qualitative evaluation to encourage continues improvement
  • Moving a client to personal freedom and choice


The Coaching Program emphasizes practice and integration of the following qualities:
  • Clear Awareness
  • Authentic Meaning & Values
  • Innert Talents
  • Enthusiasm & Motivation
  • Priorities
  • Strength & Energy
  • Choice
  • Judgements & Negativity
  • Risk
  • Opportunities
  • Risk
  • Releasing the Past
  • Truth & Honesty
  • Kindness & Respect
  • Knowledge & Learning
  • Balance
  • Patience
  • Observing & Listening
  • Beliefs & Attachments
  • Purpose
  • Goals
  • Time-Management
  • Commitment & Perseverance
  • Attitude
  • Fear
  • Courage
  • Problem Solving
  • Self Expression
  • Vocabulary & Communication
  • Compassion
  • Acquiring Skills
  • Harmony
  • Perception & Perspectives
  • Living Outside the Box
  • Vision vs. Dreams
  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Focus
  • Gratitude
  • Trust, Faith & Confidence
  • Creativity
  • Change & Transformation
  • Vulnerability
  • Body Language & Non-Verbal Communication
  • Fung-Shui
  • Holistic Integration
  • Synergy
