Admissions Process and Requirements

General Admission

Passion University provides equal opportunity education to every person around the world. It has an open admission to Passion Training, the foundation of the University’s passion-based education. The academic counselors and mentors guide each student individually and support them through a personal program that is optimized for their unique talents and interests.

General Admission Requirements

  • Students must be at least 18 years old
  • Students must be proficient in English

General Admission Process

To become an active student:

  1. Sign up to Passion, Life and Evolution
  2. You will be assigned with an academic counselor.
  3. Your counselor will guide you through the course.
  4. As you gain insight and clarity of what you want to learn and pursue as a career path, your counselor will help you to create your personal academic program.

General Admission Activities

Non-program students may continue and receive free academic and career counseling, join teams of like-hearted students to continue and improve the quality of their life or get support on specific projects, and participate in general university activities.

Programs Admission

Each program student has a personalized program. The university has general programs standards and requirement, and encourage students to modify the curriculum to fit their personal interests and goals. Programs admission is based on an assessment of each applicant’s readiness and potential for successful completion of the program.

Programs Admission Requirements

  • Applicant must be an active student
  • Undergraduate programs – applicant must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.
  • Graduate programs – applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree.

Programs Admission Process

  1. Work with your academic counselors to evaluate your career options and academic path.
  2. Prepare a personalized program plan and curriculum.
  3. Submit a program proposal to the Academic Committee.
  4. Review the Academic Committee’s recommendations and modify your proposal as necessary.

Programs Application Review and Approval

Programs applications and proposals are reviewed by the Academic Committee and discussed with you and your academic counselor. The university is not obligated to accept your proposal. The criteria for acceptance of your proposal include assessments of its academic merit, your expected competence in the field upon completion, and your ability to successfully complete the program.

For further information please consult your academic counselor.