Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence includes three main aspects: awareness, release, and healing. Awareness is the first necessary step to recognize emotions and work with them. Emotional release is an essential part that requires a unique and supportive setting to facilitate an effective release without violating others in your surrounding. Emotional healing takes place when the emotional channels open, a free flow of emotions is moving, and they are integrated with the other body systems.
Top Ten Course
Instructor : Passion University

Course Description

Emotional Intelligence includes three main aspects: awareness, release, and healing. Awareness is the first necessary step to recognize emotions and work with them. Emotional release is an essential part that requires a unique and supportive setting to facilitate an effective release without violating others in your surrounding. Emotional healing takes place when the emotional channels open, a free flow of emotions is moving, and they are integrated with the other body systems.

Understanding of the connection between physical and emotional tensions is facilitated in this course by exploring maps of consciousness that offer an integrative perspective, and by developing physical and verbal closure methods.

Topics covered:

  • Emotional dynamics
  • Origin, development, and nature of emotions
  • The role of emotional awareness in understanding emotional dynamics
  • Emotional waving techniques and practice
  • Emotional healing
8 Weeks
Course Begins:
September 3, 2024
On-line course offered by Passion University's academic programs.