Passion Training Workouts

Holistic fitness workouts that integrate mind-body exercises, yoga, dance, breath and meditation.
Top Ten Course
Instructor : LiOr Jacob

Workout Requirements:

  • An uninterruptible space – particularly for  the meditation
  • A clear area of minimum 7′ x 7′ to exercise
  • Comfortable clothes for movement
  • Zoom connection
  • Computer/pad with a large screen to clearly see the instructions while you exercise (phones not recommended)
  • Webcam directed at you to receive guidance

Passion Training stimulates your natural somatic processes that exhilarate the emotions, intellect, sensuality, imagination, and creativity. Exploration and full expressions are encouraged and supported. Channels of life are unblocked and cycles of passion are rekindled. Experience new sources of energy and mental clarity. Obtain tools and techniques to use on a daily basis.

The training provides the experiential foundation for passion-based education and Passion University’s academic programs.

Daily Workouts on Zoom


LiOr Jacob, the founder of Passion University, is an AI scientist who pioneered passion-based education. He taught artificial intelligence at National University and developed breakthrough AI applications for companies in Silicon Valley for over 30 years. He conducted research in higher states of consciousness at Maharishi University and wrote the 7 Passions Unified Field Theory. LiOr founded Passion Training, taught thousands of students and developed neurosomatic methods of conscious breathing, dance, yoga, tantra and rebirthing. He has been a social and environmental activist and guided Dance for Peace worldwide.