Water Breath Workshop

Water Breath is a method of rebirthing ourselves. The comforting support of the warm water, gradual movement through a series of breath patterns, and freedom to move with our breath and body's own impulses create a setting which is strongly reminiscent of the womb. Our energy channels open as we recall a time when there was no cause for them to close, and as we transition once again from the womb to the outside world, we can choose how to proceed and to preserve that full flow of energy.
Top Ten Course
Instructor : LiOr Jacob

Course Description

This course introduces Water Breath‘s fundamental neurorespiratory integration: merging with the water, letting the breath and the body wave effortlessly with emotional, sensual, and subtle energy flows, which bring increased pleasure and inner awareness.

Water Breath is a method of rebirthing ourselves. The comforting support of the warm water, gradual movement through a series of breath patterns, and freedom to move with our breath and body’s own impulses create a setting which is strongly reminiscent of the womb. Our energy channels open as we recall a time when there was no cause for them to close, and as we transition once again from the womb to the outside world, we can choose how to proceed and to preserve that full flow of energy.

Topics Covered:

  • Re-birthing ourselves
  • Applying Passion Breath to move through our full spectrum of pranas
  • Accepting the physical and emotional support of a helper, and providing it to classmates
  • Experiencing water as a healing environment

Water Breath is a hybrid course, with both online and workshop components.

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course Certificate
Course Begins:


LiOr Jacob, founder of Passion University, is an AI scientist who pioneered passion-based education. He taught artificial intelligence at National University and developed breakthrough AI applications for companies in Silicon Valley for over 30 years. He conducted research in higher states of consciousness at Maharishi University and wrote the 7 Passions Unified Field Theory. LiOr founded Passion Training, taught thousands of students and developed neurosomatic methods of conscious breathing, dance, yoga, tantra and rebirthing. He has been a social and environmental activist and guided Dance for Peace world-wide.