
Ignite Your Passion

Courses, workshops, and personalized coaching
designed to help you lead a passionate life.

Fall 2024 Quarter Begins October 7, 2024.

Passion-Based Education

Courses, workshops and programs to help you lead a passionate life

Personal Growth

Live Your Passion

Open Programs

Your Passion – Your Profession

Dedicated Support

Individual Academic Counseling and Career Mentoring

Upcoming Highlights

Passion Breath
Passion Workshop
Passion Training

Academic Programs

Public Health Program

Holistic Health

Passion Training

Environmental Science

Your Passion – Your Profession

Certificate Programs

Passion Coaching

Coaching Certification

Aquatic Training

Aquatic Training


“Passion Training has given me a deepened understanding of and compassion for my journey as a human. I have learned how to let go and open up to the present, to the new, and how to allow myself to dream, envision – and act on these!”

– Pia J.

Passion Training was a very powerful experience. I learned how to live from my heart, my intuition, my passion, rather than from my head, my planning, my thoughts and pictures. Both the structure and the content of the workshop encouraged this. I experienced the edge of waking up spiritually and living from a more alive, awake place. Each experience went in deeply and became a part of my expansion and unfolding.”

– Steve B.

“I learned how to live in passion and realize that each moment of my life is unique. Since the workshop, I know clearly where I want to put my energy. Now I have plenty of time and energy to focus on the passionate aspects of my life while letting the others go.”

– Wanda R.